Megan Crossland (She/Her)

Year of Study and Program
3rd year; Double Major in History and Political Science
Why did you join Drama Society ?
​I joined Drama Society back in my first year here at UTSC. I had done theatre throughout my high school career and knew I wanted to continue. Once I found out about the UTSC Drama Society I knew I had to get involved!
I'm looking most forward to...
This year I am most looking forward to seeing the creativity of students and how they bring our productions to life! I also cannot wait to meet all of the amazing new students who will be joining us this year!
What do you enjoy outside of school, clubs, and work?
I enjoy reading, line dancing, planning and pricing out trips I know will evidently never happen, playing D&D and hanging with my friends annoying them with my excessive Disney and twilight knowledge.
Can you give some advice to students looking to get involved?
I know it's easier said then done, but get involved! Whether you have been doing theatre for years or wanna try it for the first time, DS is a great place to start or continue!
What is your favourite theatre show or play?
My favorite theatre show would probably have to Hairspray or The Sound of Music as both were some of the first musicals I ever saw and made me fall in love with Theatre.